Oct-Nov Photo Theme: REBIRTH

october-november monthly photo theme, rebirth, ilse moore, underwater maternity photo, fine art

Photo credit: Ilse Moore, South African Fine Art photographer. Visit her website here

As spring envelops us, signifying rejuvenation and new beginnings, we’re pleased to introduce our inaugural monthly photo theme: “Rebirth”. This theme coincides perfectly with the launch of DPC’s updated platform, offering an excellent opportunity for everyone to explore new perspectives and innovative ideas across all photography genres.

Let Your Creativity Bloom

We cordially invite you to interpret this theme according to your particular genre or specialisation. The scope is wide, and the possibilities limitless. Here are some ideas to spark your creativity:
  • Floral and Botanical Photographers: Capture vibrant flower colours or the subtle emergence of new growth in gardens.
  • Macro Photographers: Explore the miniature world, revealing the cycles of decay and rebirth present in nature.
  • Wildlife Photographers: Record nesting activity or witness new life taking shape in the wild.
  • Landscape Photographers: Document landscapes as they transform from barren to flourishing.
  • Portrait Photographers: Show personal transformations or fresh starts in individuals’ lives.
Your submissions can embody the theme of ‘rebirth,’ ‘new beginnings,’ or even a ‘fresh start.’ Whether it’s a cultural revival, personal evolution, or the reawakening of nature, your aim is to convey a compelling narrative of rebirth through both image and title, deepening engagement with your audience.


If you’re looking for inspiration, feel free to conduct research or create a storyboard using platforms such as Pinterest. Ultimately, depth of connection and visual impact will set your photo apart.

Competition Details

  • Duration: The theme runs for two months, giving you ample time to perfect your work.
  • Closing Date: 30 November

Submission Guidelines:

  • Available to all members
  • Up to three (3) photos per member.
  • Photos must have been taken within the last 5 years.
  • Submit entries ONLY in the Photo Themes group
  • Include an appropriate title atop your post.
  • Additional background information in the description is encouraged.
  • Post-processing and composites are permitted, provided the primary element is your own photograph.
  • Post your photos in the photo themes group and Include one of these HASHTAGS in your post description:



  • 1st Prize: Gain free access to the “How to Start a Photography Business Course” valued at €55 (R1,100). For those who have completed the course, future course credit will be provided.
  • 2nd Prize: Receive a cash award of €30 (R600). The community will select the runner-up.
  • Entries will be judged by a DPC expert panel. The winning photos will be featured on our website and social media platforms.


  • Winners to be announced at our Pro Lounge Meeting.
  • Thursday, 7 December at 7 PM (SA Time).
  • Live on Zoom (further details to follow).

We eagerly await your captivating interpretations of “Rebirth”. Good luck!


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