A beautiful moment was captured between Georgia and her grandfather shortly after the confetti shot. I photographed this with my third camera that was strapped around me, a Fujifilm XT-2 with a small 18mm F2 lens. I often keep this camera in full sensor tracking so that I can shoot quickly when a spontaneous moment happens. This particular setup…Read More
Romantic poses are a key signature in the work I deliver to my clients. Hands are one of the most powerful tools we can use as photographers to direct a viewer’s attention. When our subjects touch each other delicately it gives the viewer a deeper sense of closeness. Top tip: The higher up a touch is the more intimate the pose.
To see more of my…Read More
Some words of wisdom that encourages us to look at the world around us from a fresh perspective.
Nikon D800 | 24-120 F4 @24mm | ISO 800 – F4 – 1/50s
For more of my work visit https://wjamesweddings.co.uk
Fujifilm GFX 50s | GF120mm | ISO100 – 1/250s – F4
Warren James posted in the group Wedding Photography is in Hotham Hall, Main Street, Hotham, York, UK
I will be posting some of these images individually explaining settings and lens choices, but first, I want to show how powerful a narrative is when you present more than one image in a single post. Furthermore, I lean on the over-arching narrative even further when more than one image is presented in a single frame. This is how many of us wedding…Read More
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Such pretty venues in the UK.