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Hennie MullerOffline

  • Basic Member
  • Title: Sibling rivalry

    Camera: Nikon Z6II
    Lens: Sigma 150-600mm at 200mm focal length
    Aperture: f/5.6
    ISO: 280 Auto ISO (Yes, I know I shouldn’t have)
    Shutter speed: 1/2000sec
    Cropped, darkened the background a bit and sharpened with Nik 7 Sharpener Output.

    Question: Would the Auto ISO I used…Read More

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  • Title: After the rain

    Camera: Nikon Z6II
    Lens: Sigma 150-600mm at 300mm focal length
    Aperture: f/7.1
    ISO: 500
    Shutter speed: 1/1600sec

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    • Well done, Hennie. Your image is sharp, and you handled the exposure perfectly. You have captured the mood and drama for impact. You mentioned that you had cropped the picture; consider leaving a little more space at the bottom of your frame, as it feels slightly tight and crop somewhat more to the right for a better balance. Well done Hennie!!

      • Hi Bruna, does this look better ? That black line all along the bottom of the branch was very distracting to me; I tried fixing it using brush masks, but no matter what I did I could not make it look natural, so I gave up and went for the tight crop instead.

  • Title: Look! A camera!

    Camera: Nikon Z6II
    Lens: Sigma 150-600mm at 300mm focal length
    Aperture: f/7.1
    ISO: 650
    Shutter speed: 1/500sec
    Cropped. Linear gradient to darken the foreground, and background.

    +2 liked this
    • Thank you for posting, Hennie; your exposure is spot-on, and your image is sharp, clean and well-presented. That is the result when your in-camera settings are spot on. Well done, Hennie! To improve your composition, consider leaving a little more imaginary space to compensate for the horse’s legs at the bottom of the frame and a little less…Read More

      • Hi Bruna, does this look better ? I initially went for the tighter crop becasue the horizontal line of grass at the bottom seemed to clash with the diagonal line the horses made.

  • Title: Echoes of Flight

    Camera: Nikon Z6II
    Lens: Sigma 150-600mm at 200mm focal length
    Aperture: f/5.3
    ISO: 400
    Shutter speed: 1/400sec

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    • Hennie, I was hoping someone would be brave enough to post one of our low-angle shots of the weekend. Your image is well-exposed, and the composition works very well. Your image is clean and well-presented. What adds image impact is the motion blur in the wings, which is perfect; however, although your image appears to be sharp, the eyes seem…Read More

      • Thank you Bruna. Yes, the focus on the eyes seem soft. If I look closely, it seems I focused on the chest of the rear duck. It was one of those moments where I saw the movement happening from the corner of my eye, turned and had to shoot, or I would have missed the moment.

  • Title: The Thinker

    Camera: Nikon Z6II
    Lens: Sigma 150-600mm at 300mm focal length
    Apeture: f/5.6
    ISO: 800
    Shutter speed: 1/800sec
    Cropped, and darkened the background.

    +1 liked this
    1 Comment
    • Thank you for posting this beautiful image, Hennie. Your image is sharp, clean and well-presented. What adds impact to this image is the exposure. Underexposing the background and adding light to your subject instead created mood and mystery. It’s a well-balanced composition; well done Hennie.




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