Bruna Mentrup posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Despite our experience at Modderfontein a few weeks ago; We decided to arrange another Day excursion to the bird sanctuary, however with a different mindset. Instead of booking a hide to capture water birds, we will use tripods and concentrate on capturing grassland birds as well as water birds along the river instead. More…Read More
DPC posted in the group Portrait Photography
Luke Brouwers posted in the group Street Photography
For all you street photographers on this group which includes myself.
Luke Brouwers posted in the group Black and White Photography
Luke Brouwers “Study 1” New Zealand 2023
CANON90D, 1/250sec@f/5, ISO100, 105mm(EF24-105mm)#TravelPhotography #LandscapePhotography #LukeBrouwers #BNWPhotography #Monochrome #FineArtPhotography
Travel and Landscape Category2 Comments -
Antoinette Schaafsma-Strydom posted in the group Street Photography
O! How time flies!
We were walking the streets of Lesotho and I saw the old lady from afar. I knew I wanted a picture of her. She was such a beautiful character. I took the picture with my i-phone and did some processing in Photoshop. To me this picture symbolizes aging and how time just flies by.
Jako Poolman posted in the group Product Photography
Jako Poolman. Stanley Cup & Cake, Studio 012 (Pta) August 2023
Took this during a DPC product photography workshop that was facilitated by Daniel West.
Natural light.Canon EOS R8, EF50mm, 1/500sec, f2.8, ISO 200 (handheld)
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Featuring eight street photographers in one tutorial—thanks for sharing, Luke! I’m wathcing it right now! This video is a must-watch for both aspiring and seasoned street photographers.