Luke Brouwers posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Luke Brouwers “Zebras” Etosha Pan, Namibia 2022
CANON90D 1/20sec@f32, ISO100 150mm(EF100-400)
I am not a big wildlife photographer like Bruna, whose work I absolutely love but when you get given an oppurtunity do not let it pass. This is a bit of ICM to create this effect
#WildlifePhotography #Convervation #LukeBrouwersPhotography -
DPC posted in the group Portrait Photography
Pieter Uys posted in the group Videography
Taking a simple task like herding cattle and making a story about it.
DPC posted in the group Daily Photo Digest
Hennie Muller posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Title: Sibling rivalry
Camera: Nikon Z6II
Lens: Sigma 150-600mm at 200mm focal length
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO: 280 Auto ISO (Yes, I know I shouldn’t have)
Shutter speed: 1/2000sec
Cropped, darkened the background a bit and sharpened with Nik 7 Sharpener Output.
#BirdPhotographyQuestion: Would the Auto ISO I used…Read More
Hennie Muller posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Title: After the rain
Camera: Nikon Z6II
Lens: Sigma 150-600mm at 300mm focal length
Aperture: f/7.1
ISO: 500
Shutter speed: 1/1600sec
#BirdPhotography2 Comments -
Hennie Muller posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Title: Look! A camera!
Camera: Nikon Z6II
Lens: Sigma 150-600mm at 300mm focal length
Aperture: f/7.1
ISO: 650
Shutter speed: 1/500sec
Cropped. Linear gradient to darken the foreground, and background.
#WildlifePhotography2 Comments-
Thank you for posting, Hennie; your exposure is spot-on, and your image is sharp, clean and well-presented. That is the result when your in-camera settings are spot on. Well done, Hennie! To improve your composition, consider leaving a little more imaginary space to compensate for the horse’s legs at the bottom of the frame and a little less…Read More
DPC posted in the group Portrait Photography
The 5 Most Crucial Posing Lessons That Always Work. Roberto Valenzuela holds nothing back, dropping pure gold on posing techniques.
#RobertoValenzuela #PortraitPhotography #PortraitPosing #B&HPhotoVideo
DPC posted in the group Videography
Thinking about filmmaking? Check Nikolas Moldenhauer’s tutorial on How to Create Cinematic Films—a two-hour crash course loaded with cinematography skills and gear tips!
#NikolasMoldenhauer #MediaDivision #Cinematography #Filmmaking #Gear
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Well done, Hennie. Your image is sharp, and you handled the exposure perfectly. You have captured the mood and drama for impact. You mentioned that you had cropped the picture; consider leaving a little more space at the bottom of your frame, as it feels slightly tight and crop somewhat more to the right for a better balance. Well done Hennie!!