John Griffin posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Title: ‘Seriously Hungry’’
5DMk4, Tamron 150-600mm at 500mm, 1/320 sec at F8.0 ISO 100, tripod.
A female paradise Flycatcher feeding is young. Post process in DXO Pure Raw and lightroom.
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John Griffin posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Title: ‘Night Closing In’
5DMk4, Tamron 150-600mm at 200mm, 1/1250 sec at F4.0 ISO 400, hand held. Image was shot at midday under heavily overcast skies resulting in a very flat image out of camera. I decided to go with a low key edit and cooled the white balance to give a feeling of pending nightfall and increase the drama of the ima…Read More4 Comments-
Stunning image John! I personally really enjoy the crop with the negative space to the left in your frame. It creates space for the Kudu to look into. The background adds drama and the lowlight impact. Although this image deserves its award, I would selectively add a little warmth to the Kudu itself, that will pop the Kudu from the similar colour…Read More
John Griffin posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Title: ‘White-Backed Vulture’’
5DMk4, Tamron 150-600mm at 600mm, 1/800 sec at F6.3 ISO 125, hand held. I deliberately under-exposed the image to give me a low ISO and high shutter speed as I was hand holding, trusting in Canon and Lightroom to recover the subject in post.
Shot in Kruger. Initial post process in DXO Pure Raw and lightroom and t…Read More5 Comments -
John Griffin posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Recrop of White Rhino submitted earlier
Wildlife Category3 Comments -
John Griffin posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Title: ‘Ever watchful’
5DMk4, Tamron 150-600mm at 480mm, 1/800 sec at f7.1, ISO 200
I wanted to look at creating more of an artistic feel to a shot of a beautiful kudu bull. Initial post process in lightroom and into Photoshop for an Oil Painting filter. I think it may work well as a canvass print?
#johngriffin #wildlifePhotography #johngr…Read More-
Beautiful animal portrait John! I love the way the Kudu blends in with the background. Your image is sharp and you’ve handled the exposure well. Thank you for sharing.
Hi John, this is a beautiful capture of the kudu, but I don’t think the picture needs all the Photoshop effects. It feels too digital and not refined. I believe your subject deserves better—just my honest opinion, and I hope you take it in good spirit.
John Griffin posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Title: ‘Waterfight’
5DMk4, Tamron 150-600mm at 250mm, 1/1000 sec at f8.0, ISO 640
Two Red Knobbed Coots in a territorial dispute.
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Thank you for posting John, you captured wonderful action here. Good light in the eye, well exposed, and very sharp. I’m not sure if you croped this image like that however, if not, just a tip, always better not to zoom in so much to allow for more drama in your composition. It would have given your image the impact thats lacking here. Have a look…Read More
Hi Bruna. Thanks. I totally agree. Zoomed it would have been ideal but the whole incident happened in about 5 seconds and I was hand holding at only 1000 sec (and I’m not as steady as I used to be). So i figured my best bet was to get the shot I could and trust my 5d had the resolution to allow a crop.
John Griffin posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Title: ‘Lurie with Aloe Flowers’
5DMk4, Tamron 150-600mm at 450mm, 1/1250 sec at f8.0, ISO 1250
Shot at Cedar Lakes in Fourways
#johngriffin #wildlifePhotography #johngriffin #birdphotography4 Comments -
John Griffin posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Hunting at Sunset
5DMk4, Tamron 150-600mm at 600mm, 1/800 sec at F6.3, ISO 4000
Sitting at a waterhole at last light, he suddenly appeared and started walking towards a heard of impala. Very little time to get the shot and the long grass made focusing extremely tricky.
#johngriffin #wildlifePhotography
__9 Comments -
John Griffin posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Title: ‘Wings of Fire’’
5DMk4, Tamron 70-200mm with x1.4 Converter, 1/1600 sec at F3.5, ISO 500
Conventional wisdom, when shooting Birds in Flight at sunset is to keep the sun at your back. But sometimes it pays to break the rules. I shot this straight into the setting sun hoping for a few golden highlights under the wings. Initial post proce…Read More3 Comments - Load More Posts
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Beautiful John. Such a wonderful moment and you captured it very well.