Jacques van der Westhuizen posted in the group Action Photography
In 2025 I was approached by the coach / chairman / organizer of the American 5-a-side Football League to photograph some of the league matches. It is a very small league, only 3 teams in 2024, but the action was pretty hectic. A5FL uses the same rules as the normal AFL, but it is played on a much smaller field.
The following three teams played in…Read More
Jacques van der Westhuizen posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Also from my trip to KNP.
3-Way Conversation
Fujifilm X-T3
Fujinon 50-140mm
1/1600 sec
ISO: 160 -
Jacques van der Westhuizen posted in the group Wildlife Photography
(Edit: After some feedback from @daniebester I made some editing changes to this photo to make the elephant cow and calf stand out a bit more)
I am by no means a wildlife photographer, and not really a big fan of the Kruger National Park. Reason being that you drive, and drive, and drive, and rarely see anything. During the December holiday, we…Read More
Jacques van der Westhuizen posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Juvenile Bateleur. Photo taken at Dullstroom Bird Of Prey and Rehabilitation Centre.
Fujifilm X-T3, Fujinon 50-140mm, Aperture F/2.8, ISO 160, SS 1/1600
#wildlifephotography #birdphotography #avianphotography #conservation
Nice and sharp. Great composition too! There is a slight halo effect around the wings, which seems like a post processing issue. Fix it and upload again for a feature!
“Light at the end of the tunnel”
Taken on a recent street photography workshop with Danie at Arts on Main.
ISO: 1000, 1/40s, f/5.6, Fujifilm X-T3, Fujinon 35mm F/2
#streetphotography -
Jacques van der Westhuizen posted in the group Street Photography
Reflections in Red
Another one from my recent street photography workshop with Danie at Arts on Main.
ISO-160, 1/500, f/5.6, 35mm2 Comments -
Jacques van der Westhuizen posted in the group Street Photography
Taking the Stairs
Photo taken during the recent Street Photography workshop at Arts on Main with Danie on 8 June 2024Fujifilm X-T3, Fujinon 35mm F/2
ISO-160, F/5, 1/40
Urban and Street Category4 Comments-
Jacques, I don’t know why we always choose the coldest day of the year to run a street photography course, but it played in ouyr hands here. The person walking up the stairs with hands in pockets adds a nice touch. The structural elements are sharp, contrasting with the motion blur of the subject from using a slow shutter…Read More
Jacques van der Westhuizen posted in the group Architectural Photography
After attending the One-day architectural workshop on Sunday, 26 Nov, and the Zoom meeting on Architectural editing, I created the following HDR Panorama.
I wanted to create the feeling of a warm family home at night and went for a warmer edit with the lights in the house. I did a sky replacement in Photoshop and made the sky also a bit…Read More
Jacques, the sky replacement in your Photoshop edit gives the impression of sunset colours, which doesn’t align with the actual shooting conditions of nautical twilight. For a more accurate depiction, consider using a sky that better represents nautical twilight, typically characterised by purples rather than blues.Also…Read More
Jacques van der Westhuizen posted in the group Portrait Photography
A quick portrait of my son. I was playing with back lighting. My vision for this was a mysterious and dramatic B/W portrait. I wanted to emphasize the tattoo on his arm.
Fujifilm X-T3, ISO 160, 1/160 sec, F/8, 50-140mm F/2.8
Jacques, your use of rim lighting for separation is great, yet the focal point remains unclear as your subject’s brightly lit tattooed forearm commands much visual attention. Considering the subject’s masculine demeanor, it seems you were aiming for a dark, moody portrait. Adding a bit more fill light, or lighting a part of his face in an…Read More
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