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Jako PoolmanOffline

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  • Edward Weston. Pepper No. 30, 1930
    Photo Credit: Holden Luntz Gallery

    In his book “On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft”, Stephen King writes about leaving something for the imagination, not over-describing a scene. He conjures up the image of a red number 8 on the back of a rabbit in a cage. And, according to the King, each person will conjure up…Read More

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    • Thank you for sharing, Jako, and for taking the time to contribute to our Photo Digest. Interestingly, we’ve already featured “Pepper No. 30” in the Fine Art Group, but we find your write-up more engaging.

      • Always a pleasure! Completely forgot about the post in Fine Art. My apologies. I discussed the pepper with my colleagues, and it sort of stuck, and ended up in this post. 🙂

  • Charles-Francois Thibault. Barricades rue Saint-Maur. Avant l’attaque, 1848
    Photo Credit: Wikipedia

    This seminal photograph, “Barricades rue Saint-Maur. Avant l’attaque, 25 juin 1848”, captured by Charles-Francois Thibault, holds historical significance for two pioneering reasons: it is celebrated as the inaugural photograph of a barricade or…Read More

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  • Critique is welcome! Tx
    Photographer: @jakkals Model: Fahima Haffejee,
    EXIF: 1/125 | 100 | F8 | 85mm, Equipment: Canon R8 | Sigma 70-200 (F2.8 DG OS HSM Sports)

    #Portrait #portraitphotography #blackandwhite

    +1 liked this
    • Have you considered cropping just above the knee to give your subject more impact by making them appear larger? We’d also prefer a softer transition of the backdrop towards the right side. Fortunately, this is an easy fix in Lightroom.

  • Hal Morey. Sunbeams into Grand Central Station, 1929
    Photo Credit: Creative Commons

    “Sunbeams into Grand Central Station” is a famous 1929 photograph attributed to Hal Morey. New York City commissioned Hal to document the building. This photograph captured the beautiful, strong, dramatic shafts of sunlight streaming through the upper windows,…Read More

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    • Thanks for contributing to our Photo Digest, Jako. You’ve done a splendid job describing this iconic photograph, and we hope to see more contributions from you in the future.

      • One can easily get a free permit to shoot for non commercial use at Grand Central station by emailing them beforehand…Unfortunately the landscape has changed and surrounding skyscrapers have blocked the light streaming through the windows!

About Me

Jako Poolman

Vice-Principal - BMT College

I am an amateur/enthusiast/hobbyist photographer looking to improve my technique and find my style. Right now, I enjoy all types of photography. I lean more towards the challenge of street photography and enjoy the mix of technicality, composition, and creativity of studio work.

As an educator and Vice-Principal of BMT College, I get to do what I love, by creating opportunities for people to learn and improve their worlds.

I absolutely believe that every one of us has infinite potential, but that our purpose for existence is only a fraction for ourselves and mostly for other people.

Focus on and enjoy the process, the work, the grind. Have fun. The rest will follow.




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