Title: Sun sets over Stompneusbaai
Title: Sun sets over the Moremi
Colleen Francis posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Title: Moremi Birdlife
Various bird shots taken in the Moremi.
Yes for sure. I also went through this. No worries. I would like to help you and mentor you if I can. We do a number for excursions where we can practise and learn and as a mentor I will assist you as much as I can. Please send me a WhatsApp so that I can communicate directly with you if you don’t mind. +27 82 809 1918.
Colleen Francis posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Title: Moremi Feline
Captured this Cheetah on my trip to the Moremi in July this year.
Shot with Nikon D3400 1/160sec, f/8.0, ISO 100, 70mm (70-300mm, f4.5-6.3)-
Thank you for posting Colleen, Although the first Cheetah looks sharp it’s evident that the cat moved slightly when you pressed the shutter. A faster shutter speed would have sorted that out for you. The second cat is unfortunately not sharp, also a focusing issue with the slow shutter speed not helping. Keep on shooting, with practise, comes perfection.
Colleen Francis posted in the group Photo Themes
Title: Urban Decay ‘RIP Girdlestone Str’
Colleen Francis posted in the group Photo Themes
Title: Urban Decay
Louis Botha Drive
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nice shots Collen. some could be sharper. Do you agree.