Joanna Kustra shares an incredibly thorough tutorial on fashion photography that will captivate you, even if you weren’t initially interested in this fantastic art form. Check it out and get inspired!
Outdoor location fashion/beauty glamour shoot. we used the Nelson Mandela bridge in braamfontein. make up and styling was done beforehand so we could shoot this quickly without hassle from security on the bridge. I used a fairly wide zoom so I could get the two models and the bridge Joburg city environment which was the whole point of this…Read More
Lindsay Adler covers everything from designing a project using mood boards and collaboration, to styling, lighting setup, shooting, and post-processing. A must for all aspiring fashion photographers.
#LindsayAdler #EditorialPhotography #FashionPhotography #LightingSetups #StudioPhotography…Read More
3 Foolproof Beauty Lighting Setups by Lindsay Adler
Peter Lindbergh. The Supermodel Photographer | DW Documentary
#PeterLindbergh #FashionPhotography #PortraitPhotography #Documentary
Sarah Moon’s Ethereal Fashion Photography Crosses Over into Fine Art Photography
While researching fashion photography styles for DPC’s programme for 2024, I came across a YouTube clip of Sarah Moon’s work. Although fashion photography isn’t my primary, or even secondary focus, I find it captivating. Had I discovered photography earlier, perhaps I might have pursued it. As a photography educator with a keen interest in fin…Read More
James Nader shares lighting tips for editorial models
Master Class by James Nader for getting a fast track into fashion, portrait, and advertising photography.
Outdoor beauty shoot. Scrimmed with dappled reflector. 100mm at f2.8
#beauty, #outdoor, #naturallight, #portrait #BeautyPhotography #FashionBeautyPhotography
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.” – Albert Einstein
Do you appreciate Sarah Moon’s approach to photography? Let us know in the comments.