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Cliff ShainOffline

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    Cliff Shain posted in the group Street Photography

    1 year ago

    Shot this image on the streets of New York a while back. actually a #FilmPhotography image,
    but its also well #streetphotography the kinda thing you look for when walking around with a camera and NYC has no shortage of photographic eye candy you just have to not get too overwhelmed by all the stuff to shoot. what i always lied about this image is its set of surrealness…..coz its clocks in a window and the reflections in the window, which I like when I revisit this image. #Monochrome #BNW #BlackAndWhitePhotography was probably using my trusty Nikon FE2 which I had with me on that trip and maybe the 24mm Nikkor prime….or the 35-105mm #cliffshain

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