• DPC posted in the group Daily Photo Digest

    a year ago

    Steve McCurry. Dust Storm, Rajasthan, India, 1983
    Photo Credit: Lightfoot Travel

    This is one of McCurry’s favourite images, a striking composition—a group of women huddled together amidst a dust storm with some pots in the foreground, anchoring the frame and bare trees in the background. The ethereal desert setting is brought to life with a warm colour palette and the women dressed in red with subtle greens and blues, beautifully enhanced by the vivid Kodachrome film.

    Steve was driving down a road in Rajasthan on a road in Rajasthan amidst scorching heat when a dust storm suddenly erupted. Through the swirling dust, he noticed a group of women clustered together, singing prayers for rain. Initially hesitant to leave the car for fear of damaging his camera equipment, McCurry was soon struck by the realisation that the equipment was replaceable. After he took the photo, the storm suddenly dissipated and within 2-3 minutes it was all over and in Steve’s own words, it was but “a fleeting moment.

    #SteveMcCurry #PhotoDigest #TravelPhotography

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