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Jacques van der WesthuizenOffline

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    Jacques van der Westhuizen posted in the group Architectural Photography

    1 year, 1 month ago

    After attending the One-day architectural workshop on Sunday, 26 Nov, and the Zoom meeting on Architectural editing, I created the following HDR Panorama.

    I wanted to create the feeling of a warm family home at night and went for a warmer edit with the lights in the house. I did a sky replacement in Photoshop and made the sky also a bit warmer.

    I lifted the shadows on the lawn to make it more visible.



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    • #ProPhotoCritique
      Jacques, the sky replacement in your Photoshop edit gives the impression of sunset colours, which doesn’t align with the actual shooting conditions of nautical twilight. For a more accurate depiction, consider using a sky that better represents nautical twilight, typically characterised by purples rather than blues.

      Also consider cropping a bit from the bottom of your image. This will reduce the lawn area, allowing for a stronger focus on the house and the sky, which are key elements in this scene. This adjustment can create a more balanced composition and enhance the impact of the scene.




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