Jacques van der Westhuizen posted in the group Portrait Photography
A quick portrait of my son. I was playing with back lighting. My vision for this was a mysterious and dramatic B/W portrait. I wanted to emphasize the tattoo on his arm.
Fujifilm X-T3, ISO 160, 1/160 sec, F/8, 50-140mm F/2.8
Jacques, your use of rim lighting for separation is great, yet the focal point remains unclear as your subject’s brightly lit tattooed forearm commands much visual attention. Considering the subject’s masculine demeanor, it seems you were aiming for a dark, moody portrait. Adding a bit more fill light, or lighting a part of his face in an intriguing way, could have added more interest. For a conceptual approach, incorporating more interesting props and wardrobe choices would have been beneficial as well. .
As photographers, while we may be keen to execute a specific lighting style, it’s crucial to choose the right subject to avoid a forced appearance with limited visual impact. Remember, effective storyboarding and thorough concept planning before committing to a setup can greatly enhance the result.
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Love the rim light!