Bruna Mentrup posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Continuation: Capture Wildlife In Low-Light
“Flamingos In Flight”
1/500sec – f/14 – ISO 2000 – Flash Not Fired – Nikon D5 – Nikon 600mm f/4 Lens – Manual Mode – Camera SupportI captured this image during my solitary three-month trip through parts of Africa. Being on the road for four weeks and not photographing anything worthwhile regarding…Read More
1 Comment -
Landie Fourie posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Low light theme
Last light
Nikon D610, Tamron 150-600mm, f/8, ISO 1600, 1/1000—
Wildlife Category6 Comments-
Wow Landie, this is such an amazing image I particularly enjoy your composition with your subject looking out of the frame allowing negative space to the right to include the environment. Beautiful side light, warm tones, and water droplets dripping down, add so much impact. Thank you for contributing towards our October wildlife low-light posts.
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