Title: Sun sets over Stompneusbaai
Title: Sun sets over the Moremi
Beaunard Grobler posted in the group Black and White Photography
Title: Langeberg winter
Canon EOS 5D Mark II + (EF 24-105 mm f/4L IS USM) 0,4 sec at f11 – ISO 100
#BlackAndWhitePhotography -
Wolter Steenkamp posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Sunset Tree Climbing
This young lion decided to go on an adventure while the rest of the pride was relaxing on the warm ground. It was difficult to capture this photo as it was already 17:30 and the light was disappearing, however I’m happy with how the last bit of sun light illuminated the lion and tree to create depth in the image.
__4 Comments-
There’s something special about this image. I particularly love the muted lighting, the diagonal composition; and how you’ve incorporated the lioness’s gaze to follow up the tree branches. The soft muted hues create a dramatic effect. Congratulations on your well-deserved Photo Award!
Bruna Mentrup posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Featuring Greg du Toit, Wildlife Fine Art Photographer of the Year 2013:
Image Called: Essence Of ElephantsBeing a true low-light specialist, he takes his camera out when it is nearly dark. He enjoys the blue hues accompanying the twilight hours, called Rayleigh scattering or Blue Hour.
He is also a master of slow shutter speeds and panning…Read More -
Judy Joubert posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Just a few bird images (rest to follow if I’m allowed) taken during our recent DPC Photo Safari to Chobe, Botswana. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for the incredible experience Bruna. Your expertise and guidance made the entire trip truly unforgettable. I’m so grateful for the memories you helped us create that will allow us to rel…Read More
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Leon Bouwer
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