John Griffin posted in the group Wildlife Photography
Title: ‘Waterfight’
5DMk4, Tamron 150-600mm at 250mm, 1/1000 sec at f8.0, ISO 640
Two Red Knobbed Coots in a territorial dispute.
#johngriffin #wildlifePhotography #johngriffin #birdphotography-
Hi Bruna. Thanks. I totally agree. Zoomed it would have been ideal but the whole incident happened in about 5 seconds and I was hand holding at only 1000 sec (and I’m not as steady as I used to be). So i figured my best bet was to get the shot I could and trust my 5d had the resolution to allow a crop.
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Thank you for posting John, you captured wonderful action here. Good light in the eye, well exposed, and very sharp. I’m not sure if you croped this image like that however, if not, just a tip, always better not to zoom in so much to allow for more drama in your composition. It would have given your image the impact thats lacking here. Have a look if you have one showing us the drama between the two Coots.