Master the Art of Photography: Comprehensive courses designed to elevate your photography journey.
Welcome to our Photography Courses Page, your gateway to mastering the art of photography with our comprehensive offerings.
Take note that we’re in the process of transitioning our in-person courses to an online format. If you’ve completed any in-person courses, you’ll receive complimentary access to their online versions once available. This platform focuses primarily on online courses while also serving as an active community for our members. If you’re interested in face-to-face or hybrid photography classes, these are still available on our companion website,
In addition to converting existing courses, we’ll continually launch new photography courses to cater to various needs and interests. Pro members can particularly look forward to complimentary, high-impact, short photography courses each month. Therefore consider Subscribing to our Membership and opt for Pro membership to benefit the most.
Available Online Courses
Click on any of the online photography courses below to get started. Remember to check back periodically, as we are in the process of converting our current in-person classes to online formats.
Art of Composition 101: Visual Weight
Retake Course
Retake Course
Course Enquiries
For guidance or enquiries about photography courses, including tailored options, click the button below. If you’re interested in face-to-face classes in South Africa, explore our companion website,
Fast-track your photography journey! Tailored to your interests and career goals, our photography mentorship options offer comprehensive training to help you reach a professional level in your chosen specialisation.
In-Person Mentorship
In-Person Photography Mentorship Programmes Launching in January 2024, these 4-month intensive programmes are designed to fast-track your career. They offer hands-on experience across genres and one-on-one feedback from industry experts. Additional benefits include the opportunity to shadow photography mentors, receive specialist training, and build your portfolio. More details coming soon.
Online Mentorship
Online Photography Mentorship Available now, our online photography mentor options offer quality guidance at an accessible price, starting at R2,100/month.
Mentorship Enquiries
If you’re keen to enhance your skills through a photography mentorship programme, click the button below to discuss your options with our Programme Director.