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Hennie MullerOffline

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  • Hennie Muller posted in the group Wildlife Photography

    8 days ago

    Title: Sibling rivalry

    Camera: Nikon Z6II
    Lens: Sigma 150-600mm at 200mm focal length
    Aperture: f/5.6
    ISO: 280 Auto ISO (Yes, I know I shouldn’t have)
    Shutter speed: 1/2000sec
    Cropped, darkened the background a bit and sharpened with Nik 7 Sharpener Output.

    Question: Would the Auto ISO I used be the reason for the badly distorted branch in the background ? I’ve never had that before, so the only reason I can think of, is the Auto ISO. Its weird though that the top half of the branch is smooth, as expected; bottom half has lots of visual artifacts.

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