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Bruna MentrupOffline

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  • Bruna Mentrup posted in the group Wildlife Photography

    3 months ago

    Our Experience At Modderfontein Photographing Birds.

    With birds not as easy to find in our well-known bird sanctuaries due to pollution, desperation took over, and we decided to give Modderfontein a go this past Sunday. With 12 eager bird photographers wanting to share their experiences and eagerly capture great shots, we arrived in the parking area at 6:30 as planned. We decided to pack as lightly as possible, which is nearly impossible for a bird photographer. Most of us used a trolly/camera bag on wheels as a backup plan to get our equipment to the only hide bordering the dam big enough to accommodate all of us.

    Expecting walking trails, we eagerly pulled our overloaded trollies in the direction towards the hide. To cut a long story short, it’s not a walking trail but a hiking trail with uphills, downhills, rocks, and the worst nightmare with a trolly. It felt like a 5km trail of Hell in the hot sun.

    When we finally arrived at the hide, we were exhausted, with sweat running down our faces, already worrying about the thought of making our way back again. The park has many rules regarding where to park your vehicle, and management needs to understand how heavy our equipment is.

    To sum our experience up, it was an excursion to Hell! Water birds were few; however, many other bird species were in the grasslands and shrubs. Will we revisit Modderfontein? Most likely, however, with a different mindset. There is a vast difference between photographing water birds and birds in grasslands.

    Photographing birds in grasslands and shrubs is more challenging with different rules and setups. A hide is unnecessary. Instead, we will walk with one camera body and one suitable lens, pack our refreshments, and I will remember the hot water for a coffee break in between and the birds will guide the way.

    What became crystal clear to me on Sunday was the dedication of bird photographers, their passion, and the extent to which they are willing to push themselves to get just one good shot of a bird. I am honored to be part of all of you. Thank you so much for all your support during the year.

About Me

Bruna Mentrup


I started my wildlife photography journey with nothing but a passion for capturing what I had seen unfold before me for years.

Determined I could achieve that, I set out with the most basic equipment, and eventually, my efforts were rewarded.

I, fortunately, love travel and being in my own company, so I spend months on the road in perfect partnership with the animals, great light, and the landscape. My confidence grew, and my images started to speak for themselves; so did my range of equipment, as did the awards.

My proudest moment was being made a Licentiate by the Photography Society of South Africa. I take so much pride in the steps I have taken, and it gives me such joy to see my work in magazines and hanging on walls of game lodges across Africa.

My philosophy is that anyone can acquire technical skills in photography. Still, you need heart, passion and a deep connection with what is around you to capture the finest of what Mother Nature has on offer.



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