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Beaunard GroblerOffline

  • Pro Member
  • Beaunard Grobler posted in the group Black and White Photography

    4 months ago

    Title: Old forgotten wagon trails
    Canon EOS R + (EF17-40mm f/4L USM) 1/40sec at f11 – ISO 100

    +1 liked this
    • Excellent, Beaunard! I really love the black-and-white conversion—clean and dramatic. The layering of the composition is brilliant, with the foreground details leading to the wagon in the middle ground and then to the clouds and mountains in the background. It’s a fantastic example of creating depth in landscape photography. Just a heads-up: the dodging behind the wagon is a bit too bright compared to the rest of the background. I think this photo is worth a re-edit—please re-edit and upload it for a Photo Award.


    • Thank your for the advice. Fixed version was uploaded



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