Greg Fullard posted in the group Travel and Landscape Photography
First time I properly used Photopills. Had to figure out where to position myself to be in the right spot for the moonrise just behind the Cape Recife Lighthouse. Luckily the weather played along.
Took 3 bracketed shots in anticipation of doing an HDR, but in the end it was very difficult to correctly merge them without making the moon look fake. So I had to work with just the one exposure. Canon 80D, 100-400mm lens @100mm, F/11, 1.3 sec, ISO 100
#GregFullard #LandscapePhotography #Lighthouse
Travel and Landscape Category1 Comment
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Excellent execution, and well done on your Photo Award! I’m glad to see you using PhotoPills—I’m still only using the basics like checking light cycles, not determining the precise position of the sun and moon as you did here. It would be fantastic if you could explain your process at the next ProLounge meeting.