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John GriffinOffline

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  • John Griffin posted in the group Wildlife Photography

    7 months ago

    Title: ‘Ever watchful’
    5DMk4, Tamron 150-600mm at 480mm, 1/800 sec at f7.1, ISO 200
    I wanted to look at creating more of an artistic feel to a shot of a beautiful kudu bull. Initial post process in lightroom and into Photoshop for an Oil Painting filter. I think it may work well as a canvass print?
    #johngriffin #wildlifePhotography #johngriffin #birdphotography

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    • Beautiful animal portrait John! I love the way the Kudu blends in with the background. Your image is sharp and you’ve handled the exposure well. Thank you for sharing.

    • Hi John, this is a beautiful capture of the kudu, but I don’t think the picture needs all the Photoshop effects. It feels too digital and not refined. I believe your subject deserves better—just my honest opinion, and I hope you take it in good spirit.


      • Thanks. I actually agree. Just trying ways to turn an ordinary shot of a kudu into more of an artwork, apart from going the black and white route.

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