5 Shots of Storytelling
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Beaunard, the first image, presumed to be the wide or contextual shot, is beautifully executed. The contrast between the people below and the vibrant colours, the layering from top to bottom, and particularly how the people below juxtapose against the mannequins in the top window alongside the shapes and colours, enrich the visual narrative. It’s a captivating travel/architectural image, yet if its purpose was to set the scene for the story, it might fall short of fully conveying that. It leans more towards a medium shot.
The second image doesn’t captivate as much as the others, despite it being a proper medium shot. The double vanishing lines and the interaction of the two men on the right against the bustling action on the left are noteworthy, but overall, it lacks the compelling nature of the other images.
The third photo, capturing a seated woman, stands out as an excellent portrait. The focus on the wares she’s selling with her slightly blurred adds depth to the narrative, though the brightness could be toned down for added drama.
The fourth image, intended as a detail shot, is particularly striking. The intense engagement of the men in their game, set against a backdrop of mannequins and jeans, offers a compelling juxtaposition.
The final shot, aimed at depicting action, doesn’t fully achieve this. The motion of the motorbike would have enhanced this aspect, yet it remains a strong image in its own right.
Each photograph is remarkable on its own. However, when considering the series as a narrative of five shots, there’s potential for broader variation to enhance the storytelling. Despite this, it’s a formidable collection of images, each skillfully captured.