• Jon Kerrin posted in the group Travel and Landscape Photography

    a year ago

    I hope you all tuned in last night for my long exposure masterclass.
    For those who did, I hope you enjoyed it!
    Here’s a long exposure of Kalk Bay beacon.
    Fujifilm X-T1, 10-24mm, ISO200, f/11, 30sec

    +7 liked this
    • Thank you for the wonderful event. I have learned a lot. Your presentataion was exellent. It motivated me to spend a lot of thaught and planning for landscape photography.

    • Yes, we loved it!! Truly inspirational!

About Me

Jon Kerrin

Landscape & Nature Photographer

Landscape photography for me was always just an excuse to get out into nature and enjoy the mountains, beaches and forests. And the more I did that the more my skills as a photographer grew.

Today I am lucky to call this my career, and I count it as a privilege to be able to capture the beauty of nature, and to teach others how to do so as well.




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Vincent Bernhardt
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