• Danie Bester posted in the group Portrait Photography

    a year ago

    This portrait of Minnette was published full-page in the “Hotshots” section of Digital Camera World Magazine in 2008. I photographed it less than two years after starting photography as a hobby. I used a 1000-watt continuous light through a huge softbox. That light was so hot, it warmed up the whole house! But it taught me a lot about lighting, and today, I realise we often overcomplicate things.

    Interestingly, the portrait conveys a sense of melancholy and sadness, but Minnette has always been a vibrant and energetic person. Photographs do lie. That particular night, she was on her way to bed in an old t-shirt she used to sleep in, and I asked her to pose for me. She reluctantly agreed, put on some mascara, and this was the result.

    At that stage, I was seriously following Andrzej Dragan and used a Photoshop preset “Draganizer” which mimicked the texture and feel of Dragan’s portrait style. Obviously, my black & white conversion worked well too, and to this day, it is one of my favourite portraits ever.

    ISO 400, 1/140 sec at f/5.6. Canon 20D, 85mm. Handheld.

    #BlackandWhitePhotography #PortraitPhotography #DanieBester #DPCTutor #AndrzejDragan

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About Me

Danie Bester

DPC Founder, Programme Director. Fine Art and Commercial Photographer

The more abstract forms of photography like impressionism and minimalism intrigue me. I prefer creating images that depict energy, mood, and silence. To illustrate my themes, I use mainly long exposures, selective focus, and focus blur. My philosophy is that the camera is just a paintbrush and that thought-provoking images stem from a developed mind.

Admired in Africa Grandmaster Award 2018

Art and Artists in Sout Africa 2015




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