• DPC posted in the group Daily Photo Digest

    a year ago

    Hiroshi Sugimoto. Lightning Fields 327, 2014
    Photo Credit: Hiroshi Sugimoto Website

    Hiroshi Sugimoto is a Japanese photographer renowned for his large-format photographs exploring themes of time, space, and the metaphysics of human existence. Born in Tokyo in 1948, he moved to the United States in 1970 to study fine arts and photography. His work is marked by exceptional precision and conceptual depth, frequently experimenting with traditional photographic techniques.

    The image, Lightning Fields 327, belongs to a series in which Sugimoto uses a Van de Graaff generator to apply electrical discharges directly onto film. This creates a “photograph” capturing the shape and form of the electrical discharge, resembling lightning. This technique bypasses the camera entirely, resulting in fascinating images that delve into the nature of light and electricity. It serves as an excellent example of how Sugimoto challenges the boundaries of photography as an art form.

    Displaying just one image from this series might not do it justice. We strongly recommend visiting his website or other significant online art galleries, where each print sells for considerable amounts, to better appreciate their intricacy.

    Visit his website: https://www.sugimotohiroshi.com/

    #HiroshiSugimoto #PhotoDigest #LightningFields #FilmPhotography #FineArtPhotography

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